Friday, January 13, 2017
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
SunShyne's Thought
Sitting here thinking about all my blessings, over the past few months I have found a strength within myself that I didn't even know I had. I have been doing things I only dreamed about over the years but never had the courage to pursue. I have learned how to be proud of myself and that is a great feeling it is also my motivation to keep pressing on. I am going to continue to work my hardest because my vision is to encourage others to go after their dreams too. "Can a Girl Get a Break" is my dream and it can come true!
Enjoying Life
" It is important not to give up on your life because there are so many different chapters and you never now what is next. " -SunShyne B.
Time For Self
This past weekend I learned how important it is to take time for yourself.
Here are some ways to enjoy your alone time:
1. Take a long hot bubble bath
2. Take a long nice nap
3. Have a Margarita (maybe 2...lol)
4. Watch a "Good" Movie
5. Listen to your favorite songs
6. Read a "Good" Book
7. Eat Ice-Cream
8. Go Shopping
9. Treat yourself to a Meal (your favorite foods)
And Last but Not Least!!!
10. Go for a nice Walk or Bike Ride
-SunShyne B.
Here are some ways to enjoy your alone time:
1. Take a long hot bubble bath
2. Take a long nice nap
3. Have a Margarita (maybe 2...lol)
4. Watch a "Good" Movie
5. Listen to your favorite songs
6. Read a "Good" Book
7. Eat Ice-Cream
8. Go Shopping
9. Treat yourself to a Meal (your favorite foods)
And Last but Not Least!!!
10. Go for a nice Walk or Bike Ride
-SunShyne B.
SunShyne's Thought
I have seen things in a whole new light I got to see the earth from above and it is beautiful.
I got to fly in an airplane for the first time, I was sooo nervous but the experience was worth it. Its funny because on the way back home they put me on an 30 passenger plane and I FREAKED out the cool thing was the way everyone reacted, the attendant and other passengers helped keep me calm so I would like to Thank Them ALL, I give myself so much credit for being so brave I looked out of the window often and I realized that fear is a mindset. I share this experience with you because it is a reminder to believe in yourself, and a reminder that no matter how old you are, you will have moments that call for courage and if you "Suck It Up" and make it through the situation you only make yourself stronger.
-SunShyne B.
I got to fly in an airplane for the first time, I was sooo nervous but the experience was worth it. Its funny because on the way back home they put me on an 30 passenger plane and I FREAKED out the cool thing was the way everyone reacted, the attendant and other passengers helped keep me calm so I would like to Thank Them ALL, I give myself so much credit for being so brave I looked out of the window often and I realized that fear is a mindset. I share this experience with you because it is a reminder to believe in yourself, and a reminder that no matter how old you are, you will have moments that call for courage and if you "Suck It Up" and make it through the situation you only make yourself stronger.
-SunShyne B.
Big Moments
You have to cherish every "Big Moment" in your life so that when times get tough you can reflect back to those moment and find inspiration to keep pressing on. -SunShyne B.
SunShyne's Thought
Why is it that people try to play with other people's emotions, why not just be honest from the beginning? -SunShyne B.
My heart and prayers go out to all the people in the world that have never gotten the chance to feel independant. The feeling of feeling like the property of another person is not good, there were times in my life I had this feeling but I have been blessed enough to find my freedom. I understand it is not that easy for others so i ask that we continue to say prayers for those who are searching for their freedom still. -SunShyne B.
The Heart Is a Playground
Opening up your heart is a choice that you make but if you choose to keep your heart closed you are missing out on the greatest feeling ever, there is nothing like being in LOVE and having someone LOVE you back. When you run from love it shows a fear of letting people in and also being submissive, a lot of us have the same fears when it comes to love, but you have to look at it like a PLAYGROUND you go because you want to have fun, you know the areas that you enjoy most and run straight to them and the ones you don't like you avoid completely...lol. We have to make wise decisions when it comes to the heart and who we let play with it. -SunShyne B.
Goals vs Dreams
Dreams are things that we hold internal and Goals are real and have to be worked at.
When you have a dream it is important to make it a reality so you can achieve all your goals!
I dreamed of becoming a writer one day, I dreamed of having a beautiful family one, I dream of feeling proud of myself one day, I dreamed a dream and made it a reality and now I am truly happy!
When you have a dream it is important to make it a reality so you can achieve all your goals!
I dreamed of becoming a writer one day, I dreamed of having a beautiful family one, I dream of feeling proud of myself one day, I dreamed a dream and made it a reality and now I am truly happy!
Fear of The Unknown
Don't fear the "unknown" :) We have to live in the moment because we only get one life and running from the "unknown" can hold us back in so many ways. I have always been afraid of the "unknown" but over the years I learned it is important to go through unknown stuff in life because it helps prepare you for anything and everything without loosing control. Everything isn't always perfect so your strength in handling the unknow will continue to grow!
I just ate some mini reese peanutbutter cups and now I want to eat chocolate chip cookies,
I am trying not to eat the cookies but the more I try too resist the more I want them. -SunShyne B.
I am trying not to eat the cookies but the more I try too resist the more I want them. -SunShyne B.
Love is on my mind :) It feels good to know the feeling of love. Can you imagine what this world would be like without LOVE. The Love that comes from your family, friends, and spouse is unconditional and its what keeps people going. Without LOVE we would all be empty so lets keep LOVE in our hearts and minds! -SunShyne B.
We all make very important decisions and must live with them, so it is not right to blame others for our short comings or be jealous of their success! -SunShyne B.
Life is amazing created through love and sometimes lust but at the end of the day the gift that is eternal is the gift of LIFE!!!!! -SunShyne B.
Have a Little Fun
Everyday there is something that is going to happen that you can't control, you can let it stress you out or you can brush it off and say "I'm not going to let this bring down my spirits, let me do something fun to take my mind off of the BS" trust me it helps!!!!!
Install The Importance Of Family
Its amazing to see your children growing up right before your face. They have so many standards to live up to and that is scary and confusing for them. We put a lot of pressure on our children to "be all they can" because we want the best for them, but when they reach a certain age we sometimes have to step back and trust that we installed good qualities in them. They want to know that we believe in them, of course they are going to make mistakes as did we, but that is the only way they can learn how to become who they are. Constant Communication is vital! I talk to my children at multiple times during the day just to check in and see where their mind is, when they feel like you care they will open up more. We think they know how we feel because we are their parents, unfortunately because of our daily tasks in life we often forget to express our love through action. Find time to spend with your children no matter how old they get install in them the importance of FAMILY!!!!
-SunShyne B.
-SunShyne B.
Family Time
Yesterday I spent my day at 6 Flags with my family, at first I didn't want to go was tired and feeling lazy but my husband said it would be nice to get out of the house so I got dressed and we headed out. Once we got there we went to the Water Park and OMG I felt like a kid playing in the water, chasing my children around, riding on rides, and laughing at my husband trying to win me a BIG STUFFED ANIMAL hey I didn't get the animal but I did get the PRIZE of seeing my family happy! Family time is so important it builds a life time of memories and nobody feels neglected.
-SunShyne B.
-SunShyne B.
When two people committ their lives to one another and take the step into marriage it is a wonderful thing, it doen't matter if other people approve of that love as long as they love each other.
-SunShyne B.
-SunShyne B.
How Can We?
How can we work together to improve the character of our community, so many negative things are happening I see it on the news everyday mothers , fathers, sisters, brothers, aunty's, grandmothers, and our children are falling victim to this growing negativity. We can all sit back and spectulate or gossip and criticize but what are we going to do to make a difference? If we just sit back and do nothing we are part of the problem! Its time to come together to figtht together as a community to protect our children and their future. -SunShyne B.
As a "Mommy" your strength is always being tested, last week I was battling a very painful virus it was accompanied by vomiting,diarreah, muscle aches, headache,stuffy nose, sore throat, chest congestion, shortness of breath, and a fever of 103.3 I was like this for 1 week and 4 dasys, once I went to the ER they gave me an IV, pain meds, and meds to keep me from vomiting then I was discharged, I went home and 3 days later was back in the ER with the same symptoms but this time my breathing was terrible can you imagine being this way and trying to take care of two children and a household it is OVERWHELMING!!!!! But I couldn't show any signs of weakness because everyone needed me to cook, clean, and just be "Mommy". To top it all off now my children are sick...lol. The oldest is battling the same Gastrointestinal Virus plus an Upper Restpitory Infection with a fever and my youngest has "CROUP" which is a viral infection that affects his breathing, I took them both to the ER today to get treatment and then they both have appointments with their regular pediatricians tomorrow it is amazing how as a "Mommy" it is easy to mask our sickness to make sure our babies are well taken care of first. While the Nurses and Dr's were treating them they kept looking at me like MOM you don't look or sound to good you need to take care of yourself and all I can think is "I KNOW but When"?...lol. It is true we need to take care of ourselves so that we can be there for our families 100% and it seems if we are not 100% the household falls apart. To all the "MOMMIES" out there I commend you on your strength for it is not easy to go on day to day as we do and wear our CAPES and Mask with the sense of knowing we will never get the break we so much deserve because we will always put others first. Remember, it is all worth it in the end and what doesn't kill you should only make you stronger!!!!! Keep Fighting those battles :) -SunShyne B.
"Pain is deep routed and unless you deal with the issues that are causing that pain head on there will always be some lingering feelings that will pop out when you least expect it to. We all have things inside that we are afraid to share with others because of the fear of being judged or misunderstood but at the same time people will not be able to get a full understanding of who we are unless they know us fully. We can hide our feelings and act as if everything is good but at the end of the day it will all come to light. To live in pain is to live in fear so if you want to ease that pain stop being afraid to show the world who you are". -SunShyne B.
Uplift Not Tear Down
A lot of people don't like to see others succeed because they are envious in their hearts. It is hard to sit back and watch people destroy the lives of others and to be honest I don't think there is ever a legit reason to harm another person just for kicks. If people put all their time, effort, and energy into making sure they have the things they yern for in life, they wouldn't have time to harass others and make their lives a living hell. People need to get it together life is way too short to be screwing it up!!! -SunShyne B.
Communicate With Your Children
The relationship between parents and their children can be complicated but it is the responsibility of both to make sure the communication stays open. Although, at times it may be tough to hear the truth it is the only way you can move forward. Every child want to feel loved by their parents no matter how old they get. We all struggle with relationships I believe the hardest thing is to admit when you are wrong but it is an important factor when you are trying to change yourself for the better. Let's embrace our loved ones for you never know when they will no longer be with us!
-SunShyne B.
-SunShyne B.
Missing A Loved One
Missing a loved one can be hard on your mind, body, and soul. The feeling of emptiness that you have in your heart, the memories that replay in your mind over and over again, the gut wrenching tears, tension headaches, and nausea that you feel can wear you down. That is when you have to find your strength and faith as these feeling will come many times in your life. There will be days that you feel you can't make it another day, but somewhere deep inside you have to find the strength and courage to move on. When your heart starts to feel empty it is important to surround yourself with people you know love you, because the worst feeling you can have in this lifetime is no feeling at all. When your heart becomes numb to what is right in front of you that is dangerous that means you let the emptiness win and nothing will matter to you anymore. Always remember that your loved one would not want to see you so bitter and weak. It is ok to go through the motions of missing a loved one but don't let that emptiness take control of you.
-SunShyne B.
-SunShyne B.
A Relationship Is A Choice Not A Must Have
If you don't want to be in a relationship why are you in one? I hear people say it all the time I don't want to be with this person, or i'm not happy so why are you wasting time and energy on someone you don't see yourself building a future with? Its like you don't want them but you don't want anyone else to have them either! I think it's time to set them free as well as yourself, there is no point in holding onto a loveless relationship. -SunShyne B.
Back Off
Know when you should back off a situation because if you don't it can just make things worst, sometimes the way we react to a situation will determine the outcome. -SunShyne B.
Find Inspiration In Your Life
So many people in this world will disappoint you but in the mist of that there are so many people that will inspire you. We should all find something in our lives to inspire and motivate us so that we continue to feel we have a purpose. -SunShyne B.
Let Go Of What You Can't Control
When you fill your mind with so much it can cause you to feel drained and then you can't focus on the important things in life. You have to learn to let things go especially the things you have no control over.
Self Doubt
Never doubt yourself or your ability to achieve your goals there are enough people in this world that will do that for you. You have to be your #1 fan because if you don't believe in yourself nobody else will. We have to remember that this world is full of opportunity no matter what. There is always a way around the obstacles that try to hold us back from achieving our goals. Always be determined, persistent, dedicated, and motivated when achieving trying to achieve your goals. I am not going to sit here and tell you it won't be hard but if it wasn't it wouldn't be life! Now go be the best you, you can be -SunShyne B
Do You Believe In Miracles?
Have you ever been through the unthinkable and wondered how it would come to pass? Well I know I have, I have seen many people around me going through the unbelievable but in the end with a lot of faith I learned to believe all things are possible. There have been times I wondered how bills would get paid, there were times I wondered how food would be put on our table, there would be times I wondered how this sickness would go away, there were times I wondered how we would make it to see another day. I continued to believe that there was a way so in a moment of testimony I had to say "I believing miracles" do you? -SunShyne B.
What situations are we suppose to compromise? Sometimes we are faced with situations in which we are not sure how to handle. We want to stick to our guns and stand strong because we think if we bend or give up that will make us weak and vulnerable.
I myself have this flaw but what I have learned over the years is that compromising does not make you weak or vulnerable it makes you stronger especially in a relationship.
It's easy to give up and not try so that you get your way and in the end not have to compromise and just because you get your doesn't make you right.
It is all so complicated but love is worth the fight. If you get your way you will never grow and never learn how to consider the needs of others. Compromising teaches you not to be selfish it doesn't mean you have to give up your beliefs, morals, or values.
Just think would you want to be in a relationship with someone that was not willing to compromise the answer is "No" because it will only lead to despise.
So the next time you are second guessing on whether to compromise just make sure it's something your heart can override. -SunShyne B.
I myself have this flaw but what I have learned over the years is that compromising does not make you weak or vulnerable it makes you stronger especially in a relationship.
It's easy to give up and not try so that you get your way and in the end not have to compromise and just because you get your doesn't make you right.
Just think would you want to be in a relationship with someone that was not willing to compromise the answer is "No" because it will only lead to despise.
So the next time you are second guessing on whether to compromise just make sure it's something your heart can override. -SunShyne B.
Who Are We To Judge?
"Judgement" who are we to be judgemental?
In life you have to be careful who we share your business with because it will be those same people that air your shit out! And this is why if I want to talk to someone about my problems I talk to God :) My relationship with God is mine and for nobody else to judge. If people spent more time minding their own business and trying to find their own relationship with God there wouldn't be so much HATE in this world. Find your purpose and get a life!!!! Thats How I Really feel :) Dis like judgmental people. People tend to forget we all take journeys in life to get to our destination nobody's journey or destination is the same as another persons so people don't need your judgement they need your LOVE and SUPPORT!!!!! -SunShyne B.
Role Models

Romance isn't everything in a relationship but is the way you show your mate you are still head over heels in love with them.

Romance is important because in all relationships there are bad times and although romance don't erase all the problems it reminds you of why you fell in love in the first place romance is the reminder of love that all couples need. -SunShyne B.
Quality Time Matters
Spending time with your kids is an amazing thing you get to learn them as individuals.
I know as parents we think we know our kids but we don't not until we spend quality time with them.
I don't mean just being in the same room as them I mean talking to them, listening to them, watching them, playing with them, and letting them ask you questions and you giving honest answers back.
Don't just tell them what you think they want or should hear always be honest it goes a long way.
Some parents are afraid that if they are honest with their kids they will just use it against them when they get older. Maybe they will but so what learn to live with the truth. It is better than making them think you are perfect only to find out you are just as human as they are and probably have made the same mistakes they have if not worse. Because then it will cause them to resent you.
Don't build a false relationship with your kids!!!!
-SunShyne B.
I know as parents we think we know our kids but we don't not until we spend quality time with them.

Don't just tell them what you think they want or should hear always be honest it goes a long way.
Don't build a false relationship with your kids!!!!
-SunShyne B.
Broken Hearts

When your heart is broken how are you suppose to handle it?
Are you suppose to break down and cry?

Are you suppose to handle it gracefully?
Are you suppose to sit back and wait it out?

Are you suppose to scream and shout?
What do you do when your heart is broken? You pick up the pieces and find a way to mend it so that you can allow your heart to beat again!

Don't Cry About It Just Do It
Every day I hear people complaining about the things they have to do in life and you know what I am sick of it!
You are luck you have the ability to move around and do things on your own.
You should be grateful that you have money to do groceries,

buy clothes, shoes, and necessities.
You should be happy to live and see another day, so instead of crying and complaining how about you count your blessing and handle your business because there are people in this world that are wishing they had the very same opportunities that you are complaining about. Remember there is always someone out there that has it worse than you do. - SunShyne B.
You are luck you have the ability to move around and do things on your own.
You should be grateful that you have money to do groceries,

buy clothes, shoes, and necessities.
You should be happy to live and see another day, so instead of crying and complaining how about you count your blessing and handle your business because there are people in this world that are wishing they had the very same opportunities that you are complaining about. Remember there is always someone out there that has it worse than you do. - SunShyne B.
Finding Happiness
Over the years I have learned that you can't look to others to make you happy. You have to find that happiness that you are yearning for within yourself, but you have to be willing to let go of all the BS in order to find true happiness. -SunShyne B.
Your Past vs Your Future
You may do things when you are younger and sometimes those things will follow you throughout your life but it is OK. Your past has made you the person you are today and if you don't like the person you are find a way to start making changes. We all have done things that we may not like or we may never share with another soul because it is so out of character or too embarrassing but it shouldn't define your entire life don't allow a mistake you made in your past to control your future.
-SunShyne B.
-SunShyne B.
I write my blogs in the hopes of helping someone who is struggling through life's decision, lessons, and situations. I want the people reading my blogs to connect with what I am writing in a personal way. I am not just writing a blog just to write, I will never write anything I feel is not true. Me writing my blog is a way to express myself and my inner thoughts knowing that there are people out there that are looking forward to reading my blogs daily and over the past few weeks I have not been as dedicated to writing as I should be. I too have moment of weakness and discouragement but with my faith I will always raise again and so can you. I know a lot of you don't know me personal but by reading my blogs you know my heart and my love for this thing we call life and although my life is not perfect it is mine and I choose to make the most of it and I hope in some way my blogs have encouraged you too. -SunShyne B.
Relaxing During The Difficult Times
The love for you family, your passion for learning new things can keep your life from seeming too complicated. We all go through hard times and something as simple as learning how to open yourself you to new hobbies, books, games, music, and people can change your outlook on how bad you think your life is or can be. If you never enjoyed dancing before start dancing now, if you don't like to read try starting with something small, if you never liked sports try to start playing little by little its amazing how a little change in your daily activities can change the way you look at life. If you work all the time just to pay your bills and never take any of your money to do something for yourself start now but start small you will be surprised at the outcome. I work and take care a family and always felt like I didn't do anything for myself so I started getting pedicures every two weeks for $33.00 I get a back message, my feet rubbed, meet new people, get the feeling of spending money out of the way, and most of all I get to relax. Its not about the nail color its about taking time to do something for me because I take care of my responsibilities. Just like when you were a child and you did good you got rewarded don't ever forget that feeling because everyone need to feel like the deserve a surprise, gift, or a relaxing moment and if you sit around waiting for someone else to make it happen for you, you will be waiting forever! If you like to shop but feel you can't afford it start small buy yourself a gift such as a shirt, pair of pants, underwear, socks, or even book trust me it makes a difference. Don't continue to put yourself on the back burner no matter what but it is important that you put your priorities first so that you deserve to be rewarded. I write this because I feel that we focus too much on our tough times and not enough on the importance of the lives we can have if we just made a few simple changes. I hope that people truly understand the message of this blog and start making the small changes they need to start living their lives to the fullest during these tough times.
With Love, SunShyne B.
With Love, SunShyne B.
Today I saw the sickest thing I ever saw on the Internet. There is a video floating around that shows two grown women encouraging a young kid that looks no older than 3 years old to do sexual moves on them and although this child had on a diaper to me it still was very inappropriate. These women were cheering him on, laughing, moaning, and coaching him to do things no child should do. I am not sure where this video started or why parents would do that to their child. If I knew how to report it I would. I hope and pray these women be brought to justice. People must understand that there are other forms of child abuse besides hitting and that is sexual, mental, and emotional abuse they are inflicting on this poor child. Where the Heck is the Department of Children and Family when you need them. I hope and pray that adults start taking more responsibility for their actions when it comes to what they install in their children. How can anyone think this is funny, cute, or acceptable. Technology should not be used to harm people or to expose our youth to inappropriate behavior. I can not believe that with all the technology we have a video like that would even make it on websites. There use to be restrictions on videos you can post on social media website but I guess not anymore! Its sad because our kids will never have a chance at innocence as long as their are cruel people in this world that will continue to steal it away from them. I just pray that things will change soon because our future depends on our youth and if they are continuously put in harms way by being mentally, physically,emotionally, and sexually abused then we will not have a future. They will be too afraid to live life and I am not just talking out of my ass I am speaking from experience I was one of those children and it lead to a pattern of self destruction and it takes a lot of praying, counseling, and time to try to heal from that type of abuse but in all reality you never get over it you just learn to take it one day at a time. Once your trust is gone its hard to get it back 100% so the people that want to love and treat you right don't get 100% of the person you are because that innocence has been taken away! God Bless the people that have to live with these memories although its sad just know that you are not alone in your struggle and that it is possible to find and surround yourself with people that wouldn't cause you such pain.
Tomorrow's Goals
Tomorrow try a few new things:
Say Good Morning to everyone in your household.
Hold the door for someone without expecting a "Thank You" in return
Smile at someone!
Tell someone something Nice about them!
Help someone find something if they ask you don't just reply "I don't Know"
If someone is on the corner asking for spare change "offer them a meal instead" however you feel comfortable giving it to them.
If you are hungry try eating something Healthy!
If you smoke try to cut back!
If you drink a lot of alcohol try drinking just a beer.
If you don't like to cook "Try to cook something simple" especially if you own a CROCK POT (USE IT)!!!
These are just a few examples of doing something out of the Ordinary that will make a huge difference in your lives!!!
-SunShyne B.
Say Good Morning to everyone in your household.
Hold the door for someone without expecting a "Thank You" in return
Smile at someone!
Tell someone something Nice about them!
Help someone find something if they ask you don't just reply "I don't Know"
If someone is on the corner asking for spare change "offer them a meal instead" however you feel comfortable giving it to them.
If you are hungry try eating something Healthy!
If you smoke try to cut back!
If you drink a lot of alcohol try drinking just a beer.
If you don't like to cook "Try to cook something simple" especially if you own a CROCK POT (USE IT)!!!
These are just a few examples of doing something out of the Ordinary that will make a huge difference in your lives!!!
-SunShyne B.
The Important Things Don't Matter Anymore
Why is Money more valuable than Family & Friendship?
Why is it when people bring up GOD or Praying they look around to see who is listen what a world we live in when GOD becomes a bad word. SMH
Why do some parents treat their kids like crap then wonder why they grow up to be dysfunctional adults....smh
The New Year has arrived and people are making all kind of resolutions and I have heard them all except "I WILL TRY TO BE KINDER TO PEOPLE, I WILL LEND A HELPING HAND WITHOUT EXPECTING SOMETHING IN RETURN, and last but not least I WILL LEARN TO HAVE FAITH!!!!! These are the most important values we can add to our everyday lives that will have a everlasting affect, yet nobody ever vows to change their selfish ways in the NEW YEAR with that being said the same ignorant things that happened last year will continue into this year....soooo sad!
TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR CHANGE IN 2017 please Share this blog with people you know if you pledge to make a change for the better in 2017!!!!!
TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR CHANGE IN 2017 please Share this blog with people you know if you pledge to make a change for the better in 2017!!!!!
Did You Know?
1782 - 1st US commercial bank, Bank of North America, opens in Philadelphia
1785 - 1st balloon flight across English Channel (Blanchard & Jeffries)
1927 - Harlem Globetrotters play 1st game (Hinckley, Illinois)
1944 - Air Force announces production of 1st US jet fighter, the Bell P-59
1948 - US president Harry Truman raises taxes for Marshall-plan
1992 - AT&T releases video-telephone ($1,499)
1817 - 2nd Bank of US opens
The James Weldon Johnson Collection opens at Yale
Our History is important to our future so thank you for taking the time to have a moment in History with SunShyne B.
1782 - 1st US commercial bank, Bank of North America, opens in Philadelphia
1785 - 1st balloon flight across English Channel (Blanchard & Jeffries)
1927 - Harlem Globetrotters play 1st game (Hinckley, Illinois)
1944 - Air Force announces production of 1st US jet fighter, the Bell P-59
1948 - US president Harry Truman raises taxes for Marshall-plan
1992 - AT&T releases video-telephone ($1,499)
1817 - 2nd Bank of US opens
The James Weldon Johnson Collection opens at Yale
January 7, 1950
Marion Anderson becomes the first African-American to perform with the New York Metropolitan Opera.
1608 – Fire destroys Jamestown, Virginia.
1931 – Guy Menzies flies the first solo non-stop trans-Tasman flight (from Australia to New Zealand) in 11 hours and 45 minutes, crash-landing on New Zealand's west coastOur History is important to our future so thank you for taking the time to have a moment in History with SunShyne B.
Healthy Eating
It is so easy to eat the things we crave especially when it is sweet. When you decide to change your bad eating habits it takes a lot of self-control. It's hard not to give in to the temptation of wanting sweets. So I wanted to list a few things that are a good snack that you can try remember you can add your own little twist to make it to your liking. REMEMBER reading labels is key to knowing what is healthier for you and your family.
-Dried Apricots
-Blueberries (Fresh is best)
-Strawberries (Fresh is best)
-Salad (Fresh is best add any fresh fruits or veggies & remember dressing amount will determine how healthy your salad will be so be careful when pouring on the dressing)
-Yogurt (Remember Fat Free or Light is best)
-Steamed Asparagus (Fresh is best)
-Steamed Broccoli (Fresh is best)
-Steamed Squash or Zucchini (Fresh is best)
-Low fat or Sugar Free Ice Cream (Portion sizes are important part of eating healthy)
-DRINK PLENTY OF WATER (Mineral water is best ex. Fuji)
TIP: Remember eating more with portion & sugar control is way healthier than skipping meals!
Thank You for LIVING HEALTHIER with SunShyne B.
-Dried Apricots
-Blueberries (Fresh is best)
-Strawberries (Fresh is best)
-Salad (Fresh is best add any fresh fruits or veggies & remember dressing amount will determine how healthy your salad will be so be careful when pouring on the dressing)
-Yogurt (Remember Fat Free or Light is best)
-Steamed Asparagus (Fresh is best)
-Steamed Broccoli (Fresh is best)
-Steamed Squash or Zucchini (Fresh is best)
-Low fat or Sugar Free Ice Cream (Portion sizes are important part of eating healthy)
-DRINK PLENTY OF WATER (Mineral water is best ex. Fuji)
TIP: Remember eating more with portion & sugar control is way healthier than skipping meals!
Thank You for LIVING HEALTHIER with SunShyne B.
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