Monday, March 19, 2018

Enough Crying

There are days where is it hard to just get out of bed. Most times staying there is the easiest thing to do and is not the most logical thing a person should do to try to avoid life. But I absolutely get it, you all have no idea how many mornings I just want to stay in my bed and not go to work, deal with people or life I just want to hide from the world but that is not realistic. No matter what our problems may be we cannot run from them because that's giving "the problem" too much control over your life. So get your ass up out that bed, swipe those tears and get to doing what you are meant to do! You are not here on this earth to cry about your problems and pout you are here to do something great to help someone else in need. Your problems may feel magnified to you but they're minimal to others struggling way more than you. Not that your problems aren't important because they are but I bet if you think of your worse nightmare, it is nowhere near that so again I say to you "Get up out that bed and wipe those tears from your eyes". Put your best foot ahead and put whatever is bothering to the back of your mind especially if there isn't anything in your control that can be done about it. Enough crying sister-girl its time to dust yourself off and make the best moves of your life! Even if you feel it will all be for nothing at least your not just sitting back sulking in your bed. Be proud that you were able to get up out of that bed and tuck those tears and fears away so that you could go on another day!

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