Why can't people just be nice anymore? People truly SUCK these days. It seem everyone is so hateful and have no regards or respect for human life. Its sad that we are living in a time where people SUCK. I have seen the things people do to others just out of jealousy and it SUCKS. Hey, don't think for one second it has to be something so great that causes someone to be jealous and envious because it could be over the smallest stuff and you would never know. People who set out to intentionally cause harm to others SUCK! If you get some kind of sick satisfaction out of seeing someone suffer you SUCK!
People seems so bitter now in days and family don't seem to exist anymore. What happened to the good old days? Why have people become so hateful? Well personally I think it's because people stopped inviting God into their homes. I feel that we think we can handle life and its lessons on our own and we can't. How can we lead our families if we aren't right ourselves. I am guilty of feeling like I don't need God in my life and also wondering if all of it is real. I too questioned God at one point but because of my own personal experience I learned to seek a relationship with God for myself. He humbled me. I was at rock bottom and had no choice but to look up. He had my full attention and because I had nobody and no distractions I was able to go to him with my whole heart. I am a witness to why it is vital to keep God first because if you don't you have a good chance of becoming one of those people who SUCK.
I have heard people say that they would sleep with a married man or woman and not feel bad. I have witnessed people have their kids taken away by DCF because someone made a false report out of anger. I have seen people lie just to make themselves look better. I have seen people get other people fired out of jealousy. I know people who have been murdered by someone they thought was their friend. I have seen family that have robbed and steal from other family. I have witnessed families who sleep around with each others boyfriends or girlfriends and try to break up relationships because they are envious, I have seen family offer to give a place to stay then throw you out for no reason. I have seen a lot and it is truly sad that this is what the world has become. What happened to the LOVE? When did it become so normal for people to SUCK?
-Love always SunShyne B.
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