Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Loving Wrong

Over the years I have learned that no matter what you do you can't make people love you! Sometimes we expect people to love us because we are good to them or simply because we were created by them and you know what sometimes that is just not the case. I am learning that love is an emotion that is taught and the truth of the matter is most people have never been taught how to LOVE. Sometimes we want that feeling of love so bad that we look for it in the wrong places. Most people are willing to settle for a false sense of love because they don't know true unconditional LOVE. Love is not mean, nasty or hateful. We tend to settle for the "Wrong" type of love out of fear of being lonely. Falling for a false love can absolutely lead to a lot of hurt and pain that can be hard to come back from. Growing up I felt like LOVE was a fantasy, something that only exists on TV or in the movies. I never understood how people said "I love you" yet be the first to cause you pain. Honestly I feel the only way to feel true authentic love is to seek it through God. Our father is amazing because you can show you things that "man" can't. For years I chased the "wrong love" and I am also guilty of false love. I once told someone I loved them just to get them to shut up. I knew it was wrong, I knew I wasn't in love with this person because they were mean and unkind yet I lead him to believe it was OK and that I enjoyed being in that relationship when the truth of the matter is I was miserable. I was suffering on the inside because this wasn't the LOVE that I saw on the TV. I should have spoken up but I let fear grab a hold of me and I stayed. Part of me feels maybe I was treated wrong because on some level he knew the love was wrong. I spent many years loving the wrong way. As parents teach your children how to love the right way so that they don't go through life LOVING WRONG or accepting the wrong type of LOVE.

I wanted to write this blog because I know there are a lot of people out here that understand what I am talking about because they have lived with false sense of love at some point in their lives. Please understand that you are not alone in this battle and that it is not yours it is for the LORD! Trust and put him first and all things will fall in place and get better. Nobody should settle for a hateful love.

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